Greetings and Hello, My Friends:
There is an interview with me on the Pen & Cape Society’s podcast, Throwing the Gun. It’s a pretty good conversation, really, as Jim Zoetewey proves to be a good interviewer. I had sort of given up that this would ever come out because it took about five months, but I had been assured that I hadn’t killed the podcast, so… Anyway, our conversation covers “City of the Broken Gate,” but it’s also a reasonable account of my early years and secret origins. Listen, enjoy.
Today is the second day I had planned to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and today it got nixed again due to complications. Ah well, maybe I should stop going to the cinema. Maybe I should just wait for the Blue Ray or whatever to come out. It’s hard to have a full-time job, a creative life, a family life, and all the other stuff life throws at us, and still make it out to a theater to see a movie. Logan was the last movie I saw at the theater, and maybe that should be it. Food for thought.
I’m getting marginally better at painting with acrylics, and I’ve begun a new painting, but I am still not working at a professional level. I took a class on this at the Indiana Art Center, and I showed promise, but then eight years passed where I did nothing. I have pro water color skills, but then I have to remind myself that it took about three years to bring myself up to level on that particular medium.
Well, I could ramble on, and talk about the new glasses I picked out today, or the shirt design I just did for a fiber festival, or the all-nighter I worked last weekend that resulted in a 40 hour work day, or any number of other things. But, I won’t. Instead, I’m going to get back to writing.
Later! Scott
(This song has always been the unofficial theme to Johnny Saturn. At least to me.)