There is a time for promotion, and a time for creating new material. For the past year and a half, more or less, I’ve been…
Author, Artist, Publisher, Historian
There is a time for promotion, and a time for creating new material. For the past year and a half, more or less, I’ve been…
Hi, Folks–Here’s a sneak peek of the as yet uncolored cover to Spire City Noir no. 2. Art by Steve Doty, Inks by Mike Vlasity,…
Good Morning, Friends & Readers! It’s a dark and stormy morning here in the Midwest, and a good time for personal reflection. This is not…
Hello, Brave Readers! It is I, Scott, here with news of heroic publishing and daring do! I just hit the “publish” button on’s Kindle…
Hello, Most Excellent Readers! I’m taking advantage of one of my days off today, and getting a bunch of things finished or (in some cases)…
Hello, Friends! I like to keep you up with my creative pursuits, but this has been a week without much of that. Work has been…
Greetings, my legion of supporters! (I’m feeling optimistic, thus “legion.”)
“Spire City Noir” no. 1 is on the verge of going live on Comixology and Indyplanet, and it already is available on Drivethru Comics. Happy times. My plans for self-published world domination are well underway. Ha ha haa haaaa…
There are three versions of this comic available, being the regular edition, the sketch cover edition, and the black-n-white coloring book version. You can get them in physical or digital formats.
Hi, Folks: Yesterday I got my copies of “Spire City Noir” no. 1 and the coloring book version of the same. The colors came out…
Greetings! What follows is a short list of thoughts that bedevil me:
Hello, my fabulous friends and conspicuous confreres!
If any of you would do me the honor of reviewing my by graphic novels on, I will send you the download links free of charge. This way, you can read these books as PDFs, CBZs, or Kindle books (which have the wonderful guided-view function and look great on your tablet computers). Email me at, and I’ll get you the links. Amazon reviews are terrifically important to authors, because they increase our author’s ranks and help convince would-be readers to purchase our books. It costs you nothing to write an Amazon review, after all.
Now, on to our regular blog post: