There is a time for promotion, and a time for creating new material. For the past year and a half, more or less, I’ve been doing nothing but promoting. Nor for a turnabout. For the rest of the year I’ll be creating new content. That means prose, posters, maybe even new comics. I’m feeling pretty positive that this is what I need to do. I’ve already gotten started, and I’ve been writing on no less than three different stories at the same time. I’m weird like that.
I’ve been revising an old short story today, one set in Spire City. It’s a good story, but events in the ongoing comic threw it out of continuity.
So, now I’m trying to restore continuity. It’s not big deal, because this is one of my many unpublished short stories. I’m gathering all the short stories up, putting them together in chronological order, and going to publish them as a Spire City Noir/Johnny Saturn anthology.
All the prose stories I wrote in this setting, excepting City of the Broken Gate, will be in it. CotBG is it’s own thing. Anyway, it should be pretty cool. It will also have Benita’s story, Being Johnny Saturn, which was published in Johnny Saturn: Homeland Insecurity.
I ran into author buddy Mike Wolff last night, and we briefly discussed writing projects. I am at work researching another paranormal/science fiction/superhero novel that will be set soon after CotBG. It’s not a continuation or sequel, really, but it continues with several of the main characters (Tara and Johnny himself). Maybe it is a sequel. Maybe not. Hard to say.
Available Now!
Spire City Noir no. 1 is available now on Comixology, DrivethruComics, and Indyplanet. Follow these links, buy it, and I’ll be happy, and you’ll enjoy it, and it’ll be a win-win.
The Kindle guided-view edition of Johnny Saturn: Intelligent Redesign is available for a mere $7.99. That’s 200 pages of the best damn comic I’ve ever made.